Just a little story to share.
My neighbors left for their Disney World Vacation a few days ago. I received an email asking to check if they left a full bottle of their daughter's medication on the counter. Yep...they did!
Last night they asked if I would Express mail it to them today. This morning I paid $17.50 to get it to them by noon tomorrow. They will pay me back.
This is probably cheaper than the alternative of going to the pharmacy. I had a friend visit from out of town last year. They forgot their son's meds. We went to Walgreen's and she paid $5 per pill. Luckily she only need two.
The family I just sent meds to would need at least 13 pills. I can't remember is she takes those once or twice a day. Based on $5/pill they would have spent $65 or more to get the medication she needed. Remember insurance won't pay if you just recently filled a prescription. Of course, the money may be worth it if it the only option.
If you go on vacation....remember your medication!!
Forgetting = Expensive
June 26th, 2009 at 03:45 pm
June 26th, 2009 at 04:52 pm 1246031553
June 26th, 2009 at 05:53 pm 1246035230
They were also helpful when he had packed his medication in his luggage and then the airline lost his luggage. I guess it may depend on your insurance co. and pharmacy, but ours have both been helpful to replace necessary medicine whether it was his fault (for being forgetful) or not.
June 26th, 2009 at 06:04 pm 1246035858
June 27th, 2009 at 02:12 am 1246065144