Home > Cheap Greetings

Cheap Greetings

May 27th, 2009 at 08:00 pm

I like sending greeting cards. I don't like paying for them!! I've been known to buy cards at garage sales or make my own. In the name of saving money, I've cut back on my card sending. We make a phone call to relatives on their birthday. It seems a little more meaningful. We have unlimited long the cost is the same either way.

But, there are still cards I send. Turns out a local Hallmark store is closing on Saturday. Everything in the store was 75% off. The gift stuff was quite picked over, but plenty of cards.

I bought 33 cards for $18.38. Tax included. That's about 56 cents per card!! I picked up cards for Father's Day, anniversaries, Christmas, and birthdays. The majority of the cards were 'miss you' and 'love' cards to send to DH when he is deployed. It's true...deployment will rear is ugly head one of these days. Now, I'll be prepared in the card department!

3 Responses to “Cheap Greetings”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That was very smart of you. My best friend and I liked to recycle the cards we sent each other. Instead of writing inside the card, we used post it notes and did no write on the original envelope. We just used a larger envelope.

  2. lizajane Says:

    Ima - what a fun (or funny?) idea! Do you just send the same card back & forth, or do you switch it around to bring back memories?

    I got 2 whole boxes full of cards once at a garage sale. There were 5 or 6 of each card, and probably 100 different designs...all for $1. I kept a bunch, gave a bunch to my mother & MIL, and sold the rest to a discount store for a nice profit. The envelopes stick a little bit, but they are nice cards nonetheless. Just not Hallmark!

  3. north georgia gal Says:

    Great shopping! I love finding bargains like that...especially on things I will use!

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