Home > 2009 Tax Refunds

2009 Tax Refunds

May 23rd, 2009 at 01:58 pm

I'm such a nerd. Last night I estimated our income tax refunds for 2009.

It appears I'm finally getting us closer to zero, since the military started withholding the correct state amount from DH's paycheck. They were withholding almost more than $70/mo than the state tax tables allowed.

This is what I expect for the spring:

Federal: $300
State: $400

Not bad. But, of course, no windfall either. That's okay. I don't need a government agency borrowing too much of our money!

2 Responses to “2009 Tax Refunds”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Ha ha ha... I did that in March!!
    I had to with this new stimulus money in our checks. I run so close to zero, I had to make sure I had enough to cover the taxes.

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    Lol - I did the same. Its kinda fun to predict & plan with taxes Smile

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