Home > Not Bad....Until I Realized

Not Bad....Until I Realized

May 18th, 2009 at 08:54 pm

I did end up going to the grocery store today. I just needed to get it off my list. I spent $61.01 on our groceries through next Monday. It helps that I am using quite a few things from the pantry.

Of course, I'm looking back at my grocery list and realize...I forgot to buy the fish and the marinade!! Ugh. I was trying to shop too fast.

I'm sure those remaining items won't cost more than $10, but now I need to make another trip. Don't ya just hate when that happens?

1 Responses to “Not Bad....Until I Realized”

  1. L Saver Says:

    I hate it when that happens! For me I'll either realize it the middle of making dinner, when I look for the ingredient I was supposed to buy, or as I'm turning out of the grocery store parking lot. I actually like the first situation better -- then I have to improvise and just deal with it. In the second situation, I have to turn around and go back to get it... Smile

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