Home > I Cancelled Disney

I Cancelled Disney

May 14th, 2009 at 04:02 pm

Don't worry...we're still going!!

While we got a great military rate for the Disney properties, we decided to stay off site this time. I cancelled our reservation with them this morning. We're saving $116 in actual room cost.

The new reservation is with Marriott Courtyard at $99/night and we get free hot breakfast. We also get queen size beds. The double beds on the Disney property we stayed at last time were so small, DH and I split up and each slept with a child just to have room!! Oh, and we get a $25/night credit towards the on site food court. We would have easily spent $20-$25 on breakfast at the Disney property. Yikes!!

I could get an even lower rate at Marriott, but then the breakfast and evening food credits go away. I figure the credits are worth at least $45-50/day and the lower rate is $26 better to keep the higher rate with what is included. Time is valuable when you are at Disney, too. Breakfast on site is very convenient.

I expect to have some money to add to our savings tomorrow...payday!

4 Responses to “I Cancelled Disney”

  1. my english castle Says:

    Excellent comparison shopping! Have a great time!

  2. disneysteve Says:

    Not sure when you are going or what your travel preferences are, but have you considered renting a vacation home or condo or timeshare? For $99/night or less, you could easily get a 3-bedroom condo and may even be able to get a house with a private pool. We've paid as little as $37/night in recent years for a 2-bed/2-bath timeshare unit. You wouldn't get a "free" breakfast but you'd have a full kitchen, dining area, living room and probably a washer and dryer. If you are interested, let me know and I'll give you some resources.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Steve, we're going at the beginning of July, 2009. If you want to PM me info, I will look into it. The problem is convincing DH. I tried to show him another hotel tonight...same amenities, less money. He is a little partial to Marriott.

  4. disneysteve Says:

    I'm partial to Marriott's, too. We're Marriott Reward members and have their Premier Visa, so wherever we go, we almost always stay at a Marriott. Disney is the one exception. We refuse to stay in a hotel when we go there when there are so many incredible options.

    Ill post some stuff to check out shortly. If you don't hear from me within a week, PM me.

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