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Expensive Keepsake

May 12th, 2009 at 02:51 pm

My daughters have their dance/tumbling recital this Saturday. DVD's are available to purchase. Last year I bought one for $28. It was worth it. They have watched it numerous times.

This year...another story. The studio has hired another company to produce the show. The quality is suppose to be significantly better. Each DVD is now $45!
Okay, not terrible, but not great. Here's where it get's crazy for us: our daughters are in two different shows, we need 2 DVD's. Each DVD will be approximately 1.5 hours long and will feature my daughter for 3 minutes!

I will get a $20 discount for buying two DVD's, making my total $70! I absolutely realize this isn't a necessity. If I didn't have the money I would refuse to buy one.

I suppose if I had skipped the DVD last year, I might not be buying these this year!!

5 Responses to “Expensive Keepsake”

  1. Waterfall Says:

    What about taking your own digital photos yourself. That's what I did for my daughter's two kindergarten concerts and what I plan to do for her ballet recital in 2 weeks.

  2. simpleyme Says:

    my daugters dance group went to a dance competition , one of those with many many winners at the end of the show you can purchase a copy of the trophy that your daughters group one,and every girl wants one! my daughters group one 3 different trophies I thought that was a good scam ;-)

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Waterful, a good idea, but definitely not allowed at this event. I know they will watch them again and again. Since they are backstage, they don't get to see all the other dancers.

    It appears this is our last year of one final keepsake, just expensive!

  4. north georgia gal Says:

    I completely understand! They have people sitting inthe crowds to make sure no one else is taking video! Definatly a rip off! But I would purchase them too...especially if they will watch them!

  5. whitestripe Says:

    if you are not allowed to take photos or video the event yourself - i would buy them simply because it is the lasy one.

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