Home > All Sales are Final

All Sales are Final

May 8th, 2009 at 11:41 pm

The garage sale is officially over. Thank goodness. Two days gets to be long!!

Today I only brought in $31.75...

Total for two days $197.75!!

I'm thrilled. I didn't think I had enough to clear $100, but I made it close to $200.

I'm putting all the money to the Disney Vacation Fund! The new total there will be $637.75.

The garage is cleaned up, but now I have bins to go through. I still have a few possible ebay items, the rest will be donated to charity.

3 Responses to “All Sales are Final”

  1. lizajane Says:

    Good job!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    You always sell the most the first day!!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Ima, I so agree. Sometimes, I think a one day sale may be a better use of our time!

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