We moved to our current home in October 2006 at the height of the market. We paid $173,000. The home is a 1540 sq ft split level with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and a two car garage.
I had our realtor do a market analysis and it arrived in the mail yesterday. This is mostly just for fun and information since we don't currently have plans to move. However, one never knows when our next move will be!! Oh, the joys of military life!
She gave our house value a range of $177,000 to $192,000! Wow, that is a difference of $15,000 between the high and low. Zillow currently has our zestimate at $191,500. I'm pretty sure that we could sell it somewhere in the middle...$184,500.
Currently we owe $142,257 which includes our home equity loan. Of course that balance will keep going lower as I attack that crazy 7.25% loan. Yippee to that!
Right now, we think we'll be here another two years, so that will give us time to pay the loan down a little more, as well as, see a little more price appreciation. It would be great to walk away with at least $50K in equity to put on the next home.
Only time will tell!
My House Value
March 17th, 2009 at 02:19 pm
March 17th, 2009 at 08:11 pm 1237320677