Home > Good Mail Day

Good Mail Day

February 22nd, 2009 at 04:20 pm

There were only three things in the mail yesterday. No junk mail. I love that!

Item I ordered online arrived (Quick)
$3 Pinecone Check
TSP Year End Statement

The TSP statement showed a 45% decline so that is not exactly good news. Oh well, we are still young enough to make it through this! And we are buying tons of shares at rock bottom prices. Can't beat that!

Pinecone check will go in savings account for now. Eventually, I will put this money towards the home equity loan.

Today, we need to get groceries for the week and buy bedding for our pet mice and hamster. This is the most expensive part of having these types of pets.

I wrote a check for DD2 yearbook. It was $16! She's only in 3rd grade. I don't think that younger kids really need yearbooks, but it becomes an emotional issue if they feel left out by not having them. I found that out last year when I didn't buy them. We can afford it will be purchased.

That's the news from here. Make it a great day!

2 Responses to “Good Mail Day”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I've stopped looking at my retirement accounts. It's just too depressing, and not much I can do about it anyway.

  2. CouponAddict Says:

    My Account went down by 37.67% and DH's account went down by 32.55% I am glad I got out of the stocks when I did but now I am afraid to start investing in anything risky at all.

    What to do what to do.

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