Home > Sale Sale

February 16th, 2009 at 10:20 pm

I've sold a book on!

Okay, the book was only a dollar, so we don't need to get too excited. Since they give a shipping credit, I will receive a total of $3.92. The shipping cost will be $2.23. My net is $1.69. I will add it to my ebay challenge total.

February Total To Date $22.94
January Total $4.95

I will be listing two pairs of girls jeans to ebay this week. I think I have a few more items for, too.

1 Responses to “ Sale”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    My payment from last month was more than $40 -- nothing to sneeze at! Of course, a lot of it was shipping I had already paid, but they always pay a little more in shipping than I have to. I love to sell on!

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