Reading Monkeymamas blog about Suze Orman and teaching kids about money, got me thinking about the allowance we give our girls.
Our girls get an allowance, paid at the beginning of each month, based on how old they are. My 11 year old gets $11. The 8 year old gets $8. It's about to go up by $1 as the oldest has a birthday next month.
They each have a ATM type bank they stash their money in. It helps count the money for them, even though they both know how to count it manually. The oldest has over $100 tucked away. The youngest just under $50. I think they like having large balances. Well, large to them.
The youngest doesn't seem to mind spending her money. In fact, she's donating $10 to a charity later today for a girl scout event. She decided the amount!
The oldest is more contemplative about her purchases. She tends to wait until she feels she has an excess. She's a bit like her me that way. She prefers not to have less than $100. Right now she is saving to accumulate $200. She will open a bank account when she does. She actually wants to start saving for a car!! It sure isn't too early for that.
They do spend some of their money. I've made them pay me back for candy or gum!! Those are luxuries I don't need to pay when they have stacks of bills at home.
Although their allowance amounts are fixed, they are expected to work around the house. They make their beds, clean their rodent cages, make their own lunches, put away laundry, clean up their toys and numerous other daily living tasks. Occassionally, we will offer to pay extra for extra chores. I remember last summer, we paid $2 for the oldest to vacuum out the minivan. She did a great job, too!
It works for us! What works for you?
Yes, my kids get an allowance
February 15th, 2009 at 04:18 pm
February 15th, 2009 at 04:20 pm 1234714856
Anyway, allowance has a stigma that is unwarranted in my opinion. Everyone does it a little different though. There is no way I would be so good with money as an adult if I hadn't have had so many money lessons (through the use of an allowance) as a kid.
February 15th, 2009 at 04:24 pm 1234715096
Looks like we agree, Monkeymama.
February 15th, 2009 at 04:31 pm 1234715476
February 15th, 2009 at 06:57 pm 1234724230
so i guess i have had a mixed background when it comes to money - but i definately agree with an allowance. and i agree with monkey mama - not doing chores is NOT an option.
February 15th, 2009 at 07:45 pm 1234727105
February 15th, 2009 at 08:52 pm 1234731155
But I mean, I never saw it as blackmail or anything where I would only do something if I got paid. I had to do it anyways, but it was nice to get a reward every now and then especially if we went above and beyond.
February 16th, 2009 at 12:51 pm 1234788705