Home > Under $11K! Already?

Under $11K! Already?

February 6th, 2009 at 05:41 pm

We are making quite a bit of progress on our home equity loan this month. I just made a payment of $915 to shave the principal balance down a bit! This money comes from extra funds in our checking account this pay period.

Previous Balance = $11,502
New Balance = $10,587

So far, in February, we have made extra principal payments totalling $2,265!! This is fun! And there's more to come next week...stay tuned!

3 Responses to “Under $11K! Already?”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Well done! It'll be down to 4 figures soon--how exciting!!

  2. Blue Eyes Says:

    Great job! Keep up the good work!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    You are making fantastic progress! Wow!

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