Home > Only 2 More to Go

Only 2 More to Go

January 22nd, 2009 at 03:20 pm

My DH's W2 is finally available online! So, I plugged the numbers into the tax software and my previous calculations seem to be right on target.

However, I'm still waiting on two 1099-INT statements. One is from our money market account with FNBOdirect. Online it states the statement will be mailed.

I think we may also get a 1099-INT from Revolution Money Exchange. I opened an account to obtain the $25 they were offering last spring. I never did anything else with the account. I assume this payout is considered interest. So, I wait on that as well. I will be calling if it gets to be the last thing I'm waiting for!!

I will be filing ASAP...I want our money back! Of course, it will only be in my hands for a day or so. Because, hey, we have a home equity loan to payoff.

2 Responses to “Only 2 More to Go”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good question about the stimulus. It has not passed yet, that I know of. I'll be researching that a bit more before we file.

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    We only have 1 item from the whole pile load that we need.

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