Home > Jackpot!!


December 1st, 2008 at 02:28 pm

Wow! I hit the jackpot with ebay sales this weekend. I had 8 items up, many of them girls holiday dress wear. All 8 items sold, with many far exceeding my expectations.

Gross sales: $72.11

I am thrilled with the outcome and look forward to adding the net sales to our home equity loan payoff goal later this month.

4 Responses to “Jackpot!!”

  1. lizajane Says:

    Good job!

  2. disneysteve Says:


    I just got back on ebay myself. I had my first 3 auctions end yesterday. Only one sold, but for a much better price than I expected. The other 2 items were kind of iffy. I wasn't sure if they'd attract a buyer or not so I'm not disappointed.

    I've got 8 more items on now and 1 has a bid and 5 have watchers, so this round will hopefully turn out better.

  3. Blue Eyes Says:

    Great job!

  4. homebody Says:

    So next time, maybe you should post a link??

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