Home > Debt Free Christmas

Debt Free Christmas

November 29th, 2008 at 06:31 pm

We made it to our goal, with one day to spare!!

Old Balance = $733.01
Nov Interest $26.39
Pinecone $3.00
New Balance = $762.40

The goal was $750, so we exceeded that by $12.37! Any excess after completing our shopping is going to the home equity loan.

I have 8 items up on ebay, with four that have bids. The other 4 look like they may sell as well. This money would have gone to my holiday challenge fund, but now it will be set aside to make a payment to the home equity loan in December.

It's going to be a debt free Christmas!! I'm thrilled! How about you?

2 Responses to “Debt Free Christmas”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I am having a debt free christmas too! Good for you!!

  2. lizajane Says:

    Me three! Good job.

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