Home > Paypal Dispute

Paypal Dispute

November 25th, 2008 at 03:19 pm

I had my first paypal dispute. Buyer felt I misrepresented the item. I did make a mistake, but it was unintentional. In my opinion, it was minor...but apparently not to the buyer. Buyer was asking for a $27 refund. That was half the cost of the item!

I decided to counter offer. I asked for the item back at my expense and I would refund all but original shipping charges. I figured I could relist item without the error and still get a bid better than his offer.

In the end, because we communicated we decided to leave the transaction as is. Buyer does believe that I made the error unintentionally. I sure wasn't out to defraud anyone. It did and does pay to communicate!!

I turned on our gas fireplace on Saturday night! This is not exactly a utility savings measure. I had turned the pilot light off back in late April or early May...I think I probably saved some gas by doing that. Does anyone know if our home heating cost are going down like auto fuel is?

1 Responses to “Paypal Dispute”

  1. Koppur Says:

    My sis locked in on a rate last August, but then last month they offered her a chance to lock into a lower rate, so it seems like it make be happening.

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