Home > Same Old Investments

Same Old Investments

November 24th, 2008 at 02:53 pm

With the economy tanking, we haven't changed one thing with our investments. That's what you are suppose to do, right? Buy low, sell high.

We have continued to send in our daughter's education contributions as well as our Roth contributions. Same amounts, same time of the month. We even are investing in the same mutual funds we have always been in.

Those low prices allow us to buy more shares in those mutual funds than we could before. In time, when the economy recovers, those same shares will be worth much more. I'm looking forward to those days, too! And they are coming...just don't ask me to predict when!!

1 Responses to “Same Old Investments”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yes, please hang in there. I've heard preliminary forecasts that 2009 could be another year of losses, but regardless, this too shall pass and the market should recover in time.

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