Home > Almost There....

Almost There....

November 22nd, 2008 at 04:19 am

I am so close to meeting our holiday cash account goal of $750. I'm less than $34 away.

I added a $3 Pinecone check today. I also decided that the Land's End gift card I received in the amount of $119.25 would also go to this fund. If you want to know about that...see the previous post.

Old Balance $594.26
Pinecone $3.00
Land's End $119.25
New Balance $716.51

Only 9 more days to accumulate more! I expect to make up the difference with ebay sales and interest on our money market account.

Side note: I've been amused at myself with this challenge. I think it is interesting that I decided to save this way for Christmas, rather than using this technique for paying down our HEL. Of course, after the holidays I won't have any other choice but to do so!!

2 Responses to “Almost There....”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    At the rate you're going I bet you'll meet your goal early! Smile

  2. Koppur Says:

    So close! *smile*

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