Several posts back, I explained that I have been trying to accumulate the cash for the holidays outside our regular budget. Most of the cash has come from ebay sales. The goal is $750.
Currently, I have accumulated $549.11! I am short only $200. I will continue to put items up on ebay until at least December 1st. I also will add the interest that is earned in our savings acccounts at the end of the month.
I only started this challenge for myself back in late September after I made $60 at our garage sale. I decided to stash the cash away for the holidays. I honestly never thought I would get so much cash outside our regular budget...but I did.
If I can do it, so can you! If not this year, maybe next year. If not for the holidays, then maybe some other goal.
Just a note: I have actually started shopping in small amounts, so the amount I have on hand is less than the amount above...but I'm keeping track of everything so I know whether I meet my goal or not.
I also have a small goal not to spend the whole $750...the extra can go to our home equity loan!
Update: Holiday Cash Account
November 20th, 2008 at 12:06 am
November 20th, 2008 at 06:04 am 1227161040
November 20th, 2008 at 12:44 pm 1227185065