Home > Update: Holiday Cash Account

Update: Holiday Cash Account

November 20th, 2008 at 12:06 am

Several posts back, I explained that I have been trying to accumulate the cash for the holidays outside our regular budget. Most of the cash has come from ebay sales. The goal is $750.

Currently, I have accumulated $549.11! I am short only $200. I will continue to put items up on ebay until at least December 1st. I also will add the interest that is earned in our savings acccounts at the end of the month.

I only started this challenge for myself back in late September after I made $60 at our garage sale. I decided to stash the cash away for the holidays. I honestly never thought I would get so much cash outside our regular budget...but I did.

If I can do it, so can you! If not this year, maybe next year. If not for the holidays, then maybe some other goal.

Just a note: I have actually started shopping in small amounts, so the amount I have on hand is less than the amount above...but I'm keeping track of everything so I know whether I meet my goal or not.

I also have a small goal not to spend the whole $750...the extra can go to our home equity loan!

2 Responses to “Update: Holiday Cash Account”

  1. shiela Says:

    That's great to earn that much for only 2 months! Good on ya! - as we say here in Australia.

  2. kdmoffett25 Says:

    My mom was telling me what she did when we were younger and we had some awesome overfilled holiday gifts. She would round everything for the entire year up to the next dollar (like Bank of America) and actually put it into a savings account each week. She always had enough to get everyone's gifts and never had to use her regular budget... wish she had taught me that trick sooner... like when I was growing up and got my first checking account...

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