Home > Principal Payments

Principal Payments

November 20th, 2008 at 12:57 pm

The principal payments on our home equity loan are small...since we are still near the beginning of the loan.

The regular payment is $118.01. Only $28.55 went to paying down the principal in November. The new balance after the regular payment is $14,778.43!!

My goal is to get the balance just under $14,000 by the end of the year. I only need $750 to meet this goal, since I expect December's principal payment to be a little more than November's. Why does that number seem familiar....

Oh, yeah, our holiday account goal is $750!! Still working on that one. The focus will remain there until Christmas shopping is complete.

Two goals to meet in such a short time...wish me luck!!

1 Responses to “Principal Payments”

  1. Petunia Says:

    Good luck!

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