Home > I Did It!

I Did It!

November 14th, 2008 at 01:48 pm

We made it to payday without using all the cash left in our checking account. We have just under $40 left. I'm thrilled.

I must say I think we made it because DH was out of town. I would have made different (ie. more expensive) meals. He would have probably needed gas for his car.

I'm also left with $14 in cash. I have put $10 aside for the Christmas fund. I will hold onto the $4 for daughters lunch next week.

I guess it doesn't really matter why it happened, just that it did and I'm excited about it! Here's to the rest of the month being just as successful!

FYI...there's a $5 coupon off a $20 purchase at Walgreen's for this Friday & Saturday. You can get it

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7 Responses to “I Did It!”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    A very good feeling to have money left isn't it? Way to go! I think it boils down to making different choices. And a lot has to do with mindset.

  2. merch Says:

    "it doesn't really matter why it happened, just that it did" So true.

    Nice job.

  3. Personal Finance Student Says:

    Congratulations! I'd love to be able to say the same someday soon. Again, congratulations!!

  4. Koppur Says:

    Whoo-hoo!!!! Congrats! And thanks for the coupon...I have to head there to pick up some items today. *smile*

  5. Ms. Pearl Says:

    Good Job!! I almost made it these past two weeks but had to take $60 from savings. Still, at least no credit cards!

  6. Petunia Says:

    Woohoo! You did it! Good work!

  7. Blue Eyes Says:

    Great job...way to go!!!

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