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How Low Will it Go?

November 13th, 2008 at 06:09 pm

Three days ago, I noticed gas prices had risen by 12 cents. But today, on the way to the gym, I noticed that prices had dropped back down 10 cents.

Our local news also stated that gas could go as low as $1.50/gallon. We are at $1.79 right now.

Could it go below a $1?

8 Responses to “How Low Will it Go?”

  1. Koppur Says:

    I'd LOVE to see it below $2 here! The cheapest I've found near us is about $2.30

  2. Ms. Pearl Says:

    I love it too. I just hope America remembers to keep trying to conserve gas the way they did when gas was $4 a gallon. It made a difference.

  3. fruitbowlk Says:

    I hope it stay this cheap in the summer time.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I don't think it will ever go below $1 a gallon. It has not been that low in many, many years.

  5. Personal Finance Student Says:

    I thought I was hoping too much for it to go below $2/gallon, but we are just below that here. If you go to Sam's Club or Costco (I don't have a membership) though it's been as low as $1.81. My husband and I were just talking the other day remembering when it'd get to 85 cents and we're no that old! I don't think it'll go that low again, that really IS hoping too much I think, but I'd take it if it did!

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    I agree that $1 may be asking a little much...but I never thought I would hear $1.50/gallon.

  7. Aleta Says:

    I think that it's great while it lasts. My husband is in a service business and I can tell you he has noticed a difference. I guess we should enjoy it while it lasts.

  8. disneysteve Says:

    We're down to $1.89 today. Nice to see, though honestly gasoline makes up a very small blip in our household budget.

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