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My Challenge this Week: Look How I'm Doing!!

November 12th, 2008 at 10:18 pm

At the beginning of the week, I had $60.10 in our checking account to last until payday on Friday. We are doing great. There has been some let me tell you about it.

I already mentioned in a previous post that I bought DD a coat for $20.94. Checking balance now equals $39.16 and remains there. But, I've spent more.

I had $6.00 in my wallet. I used $1.50 to buy a cookie mix for girl scout snacks on Monday. Yesterday, I spent $4.12 at the grocery store for cilantro, 2 cans black beans and feta cheese. My parents were in town and I didn't think two cans of soup were going to cut it for dinner. Remaining cash $0.38.

Today, I turned in cans for my deposit refund and received $3.15. Cash now in my wallet: $3.53. I then bought hot chocolate packets on sale for the kids with a coupon. I spent $1.58 (20 packets). Cash remaining $1.95.

Oh, actually I have more cash in my wallet because my parents reimbursed my for a book I purchased for my sister on their behalf. Add in another $13.23. Cash now in my wallet: $15.18!

I went on a Walgreen's shopping spree today, too. I had a gift card with a $28.60 balance. I left with a balance of $10.90. I spent $17.70 on the items below after sales, coupons and tax. Can you tell I'm thinking ahead to the holidays?

I'm thrilled to be doing so well. It does help that DH is out of town, but I feel like I've done well to stay within some limits this week. I do have motivation...that extra checking account money will be going to my Christmas Fund. I guess the cash that remains will, too!

4 Responses to “My Challenge this Week: Look How I'm Doing!!”

  1. Ms. Pearl Says:

    That is awesome for you! I had to take more money out of my savings this week than I had anticipated but it feels good to not use credit cards doesn't it?

  2. mom-sense Says:

    Totally awesome! What a little gumption can bring! I have $14.50 in CVS Extra Care Bonus Bucks burning a whole in my purse. My birthday is Sat. and I'm thinking about sending DH and kids there to buy me the new Tinkerbell movie. Sadly, my girls are too old for it. But not me!

  3. lizajane Says:

    Nice job! So, really you had $66 to start and you now have roughly $55, yet your daughter has a coat and you have groceries besides. I love having Walgreens gift cards or ECBs from CVS. It's wonderful to bring home bags of stuff and realize on the way home that you paid little to no money out of pocket.

  4. Koppur Says:

    Fantastic job!!

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