Home > It's Under $2

It's Under $2

October 28th, 2008 at 02:51 am

Yep, tonight while driving the DD to dance class, we saw gasoline stations advertising gas for $1.99. It was $2.05 this afternoon.

I wonder what it will do tomorrow?

Oh, you want to know where I am?

Iowa. Fields of Opportunities.

5 Responses to “It's Under $2”

  1. Front Porch Mom Says:

    Yes I filled up my suv for $18! I had a gas discount from the grocery was so nice. I think it is great to see gas prices falling--- but many other areas in our country are terrible. We are not out of the woods yet. How is weather in Iowa?? It is pretty cold here in Ohio. Thank you for your husbands service for our country. God Bless.

  2. cptacek Says:

    I filled my gas tank up for $49 the other day, and I was paying $90 in July! I did a little happy dance right there in the parking lot. In Wichita, we are $2.09 today.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Front Porch Mom...just had our first hard freeze here today. The furnace is really running! As for my husband's service, you are more than welcome! We appreciate your gratitude, too.

    cptacek...I love that you did the happy dance in the parking lot! Makes me smile. Just think if we all did that when we got a great deal!!

  4. MileHighGirl Says:

    Oooh you lucky girls. Denver is $2.49, but I'm not complaining!

  5. kristin Says:

    Oh you are lucky! I was excited when I saw our gas prices at $2.67!

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