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The Prices Keep Falling!

October 21st, 2008 at 02:52 am

The prices of gas fall everyday. Sometimes, more than once per day!!

Today, it was $2.37/gal this morning on our way to the gym. In the afternoon, we noticed it had dropped to $2.35/gal. Then this evening, it was $2.33/gal!!

Wow, a 4 cent drop in less than 12 hours! Now, I wait to fill up because I expect the price to go lower in a day or so. In the past, I would wait to fill up until the tank was near empty and I really needed the fuel...regardless of price. I would just try to make it last as long as possible.

Think the low fuel prices will help us get the economy out of this slump?

10 Responses to “The Prices Keep Falling!”

  1. Blue Eyes Says:

    When gas prices were increasing so rapidly I would always fill my tank. Now that they are decreasing quickly, I only put a few dollars in at a time, rather than fill the tank. It just makes more sense to me when prices are dropping!

  2. ME2 Says:

    I always fill up. Less having to stop by the gas station. I hate being "nickled & dimed" to death.

    I was very happy to pay $2.65/gallon this afternoon. I had 1/8 of a tank and it cost me just over $28 to fill up!

  3. baselle Says:

    Man, I wish. Still about $3 here in Seattle.

  4. fern Says:

    No, i don't think low gas prices will pull us out of this slump. It's much bigger than that. The slump won't end til real estate markets right themselves, and that's going to take at least a year or two becus banks still have a lot of bad debt (aka, sub-prime mortgage loans) on the books, and some of these ARMS haven't reset yet to the higher rates. Until we're through all that, we'll continue to see rising foreclosures and a glut of housing inventory.

    The next big problem will be credit card defaults. Not that they haven't already happened, but lots of people who need $ can no longer get it thru a HELOC or a conventional car loan becus of the seizure of the credit markets, so they're starting to charge everyday essentials on their credit cards. This spells big trouble ahead.

    Besides, our buddies at OPEC are planning a meeting later this month and the plan is to cut oil production so prices will rise. They are worried about falling oil prices, but not too worried about a worldwide recession.

  5. monkeymama Says:

    WOW! Well over $3 in Cali too.

    Color me jealous!

  6. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    $2.74 in eastern MIssouri

  7. creditcardfree Says:

    Fern...very good points!! I heard about the OPEC meeting. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.

    It just seems that the average family who is seeing a squeeze will get a little break with lower fuel prices, therefore, not so much charged on a credit card.

  8. Ima saver Says:

    Still almost $3 here in North georgia.

  9. mom-from-missouri Says:

    We were out earlier today and saw $2.33 a gallon.

  10. nance Says:

    The lowest price in my town is $272, down from $2.98 five days ago. The price of gasoline seems to be the only thing decreasing in price around here!

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