Home > Look What I Made

Look What I Made

October 7th, 2008 at 12:09 am

I made this tote bag for my older daughter. I'm just excited to have made something with my own two hands.

I spent exactly $9.00 for 1/2 yard each of two cotton fabrics, 1 yard of cotton flannel for facing and a spool of thread. All the fabric was on sale and I had a 40% coupon off the thread. Of course, there is still some smaller pieces of fabric leftover and more flannel for another tote bag. Not to bad in the cost department.

9 Responses to “Look What I Made”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    That looks store bought! You should sell them! you can embroider peoples names on them or something.

  2. whitestripe Says:

    wow that looks great! you definately should think about selling them.

  3. thriftorama Says:

    That is soooo cute.

  4. sillyoleme Says:

    Very cute! My grandmother taught me how to make a few purses, and I have to say she has GREAT luck selling them. You should try yours on Etsy.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks for all the positive feedback! I'm not quite ready to start selling, but I will sure keep it in mind. I have a few other items I'm going to attempt to make. I will keep you updated.

  6. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Very nice. I agree with the others, it looks like a very saleable item.

  7. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    CUTE! there are alot of folks selling similar items, beware! I sold some messenger bags at the summer farmers market (I made about 12, sold 2 so far), so proceed with caution!

  8. Broken Arrow Says:

    I'm not into purses, but I have to say that really is cute!

  9. huffydeb2003 Says:

    That is very nice~like the pattern/colors of the fabric.

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