Home > It's Below $3 Per Gallon

It's Below $3 Per Gallon

October 6th, 2008 at 12:44 am

Gasoline that is! Haven't seen it with my own eyes yet...but just heard on tv and saw the pictures. Gas is $2.99/gallon here.

It would be nice if it keeps going lower for everyone. I'll be topping off the tank tomorrow!

5 Responses to “It's Below $3 Per Gallon”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    I'd love to be living where-ever it is that you are. I was happy to see that it was $3.61 here in Chicago! I am just happy that it is below $4!

  2. disneysteve Says:

    I thought I'd be the first to post this, living in NJ. Last week it was down to $3.03. I was just saying to my wife today that I'm curious to see if it has broken $3.00. The stations near my office are always a few cents cheaper than near our home. We're not under $3.00 yet, but near my office they might be.

  3. sillyoleme Says:

    It's at $3.35 here in Western Maryland, but it was $3.60 in Central MD where I work (closer to Baltimore). I hope it keeps coming down!!!

  4. Analise Says:

    I filled up today and it was $3.65 for regular. I'd love to be where you are, too.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Wow, I am still paying over $4 WHEN I can find gas. We don't have premium at any of the stations.

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