Home > Free Magazine

Free Magazine

September 11th, 2008 at 06:52 pm

My husband is a diet coke addict. I had been selling mycokerewards on ebay a while back, but that is no longer allowed. So, I decided to start accumulating them with no expectation of redeeming them.

After browsing the rewards, I noticed that magazine subscriptions are available. I picked Better Homes and Gardens. Nice side benefit to his bad habit!!

I may order DH Popular Mechanics, too. The dilemma is that DD brought home her school fundraiser...magazine sales!!! So, do I purchase Popular Mechanics to help the school? I could still redeem it free through mycokerewards, and pick something else for the girls...maybe American Girl magazine. I will be weighing my options.

2 Responses to “Free Magazine”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    You can also get coupons for free cases of Diet Coke. That's what we did with our rewards sometimes.

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I drink Coke rarely, but my mom is a huge Diet Coke addict. She gives me all the codes from her packs and 20oz'rs. We've accumulated enough for one free movie ticket so far - my goal is to save enough for 3 movie tickets, and take my mom, step-dad and I all out to a free movie! Smile

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