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What is new here....

September 10th, 2008 at 03:32 am

Wow, it has been a little while since I've posted!! Here's a few updates.

Our A/C has been off since Sept 2nd, since the temperatures have fallen drastically. This morning it was 67 degrees in our home...I almost wanted heat!! I really want to wait on that one, though.

I am selling some items on ebay. I have netted over $100 so far.

Along with two other neighbors, I am coordinating a community garage sale for our neighborhood. It is just over a week away. It looks like we will have at least 10 families participating out of 40 households. I'm looking forward to making a little cash, but I don't have quite as many items as I did in the spring.

That is it for now!! Keep up the great work everyone...I am reading even when I'm not posting!

3 Responses to “What is new here....”

  1. HELPmeFriend Says:

    Way to go! That is a huge feat to bring that many people together.
    The fact that you have things that others don't will bring them to your yard.

  2. fern Says:

    well, it's funny, there was just 1 real bad heat wave that i remember in July, and that's the only time i used my window AC in the bedroom. I just invested over $400 in one of those portable ACs, but now i dont' want to use it becus it'll probably guzzle electricity.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Way to go on the ebay sales! And the less neighbors participating, the more sales for you!

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