Home > Sheduled for May 9

Sheduled for May 9

May 7th, 2008 at 02:37 am

I checked and it looks like we are on schedule to receive our stimulus money of $1800 on Friday. Most it will go back in to savings to reimburse us for the major car repair we had a couple weeks ago.

By Friday, I should have some cash from the garage sale and Ebay to start sending in extra payments to the home equity loan. Can't wait to see how much damage I can do to it in the next week.

My husband has been traveling so much we are spending a bit less on the home front. He spent less than his allotted travel money, so that means a little extra in our pocket, too.

I may not be blogging for a few days because of the garage sale...just hope that I'm bringing in lots of cash!

1 Responses to “Sheduled for May 9”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Don't forget to put something in the crockpot early on the day of the garage sale!

    Here's hoping you have lots of luck$$$$

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