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Day Tiptoeing Through the...

May 3rd, 2008 at 12:53 am

tulips! I went on a mini day vacation with my neighbor today while our kids were in school. A nearby town is having their annual tulip festival. I'm a big flower lover, so it was wonderful to get outside and take in the fantastic sites.

I spent $20 on a tour, admission to a historical windmill/dutch town and food. It was a little more than I really wanted to spend, but we did have a great time!

Here's a picture:

Have a great weekend everyone!

5 Responses to “Day Tiptoeing Through the...”

  1. Lady T Says:


  2. Petunia Says:

    Sounds (and looks) like a great mini-vacation!

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    Holland, Michigan, by any chance? That's where I went to high school, and my brother still lives there. Beautiful town.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Carolina Bound...Pella, Iowa. There was a band from Michigan in the parade, can't remember which town.

  5. Carolina Bound Says:

    Oh yes, I know of Pella! I didn't know they had a windmill, too.

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