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Here's Some Motivation!

April 4th, 2008 at 06:25 pm

The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we stand, but in what direction we are going.

I see this quote every day that I go to the gym. I usually see it in terms of exercise, but today I realized it can apply to most anything. Even our goals with money!!

I'm hoping to come up with $100 worth of sales on ebay during the month of April. Instead of just hoping, I have taken action. I have 16 items listed now with bids on 9 of them. I have a pile of several items that can be listed and put up on Sunday. By Sunday, when the auctions end, I should be inspired to go looking in the house for more items. I just keep moving forward.

As long as you are moving forward, regardless of the pace, you will reach your goal!!

3 Responses to “Here's Some Motivation!”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Terrific! I just sold nine things as well--not for a lot, but over $40 for stuff (mostly kid's clothes) that were just taking up space. I'd like to list a few more things over the weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. sagegirl Says:

    I have often thought of selling things on Ebay but have always worried that it would be too difficult or take up too much time. I will have to look into it.

  3. MariRDH Says:

    I love the "moving forward" idea. It is one of my favorites lately. I just see so many people who get stuck in either present or past misfortune and can't seem to get unstuck. Frown

    I think it is the motto in the movie "Meet the Robinsons" which I loved. Big Grin

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