Home > $460...


April 3rd, 2008 at 04:53 pm

is the total cost for all Liberty's vet visits! I am so not used to this as an expense. We do have some slush money and our emergency fund to cover things. It was money well spent to get her feeling better. I wish we could have avoided x-rays...$95!!

She has finally started eating, just not large amounts yet. She's being treated with another antibiotic and gets to stay home now. The vet's best guess with out charging me more for blood work is that she got toxoplasmosis...most likely from our newly adopted cat. She was also on antibiotics now they should both feel great!

Here are the offenders...Liberty on the left and Riley on the right!

Thanks again for all the well wishes!

3 Responses to “$460...”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    She is so cute, glad she is better!!

  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Yes, dollars well spent but sometimes hard to cough up!!

    Hope all the kitties are feeling 100% soon!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    What good news! Fur babies are worth their weight in gold. Smile

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