As I stated in an earlier post, we will be doing a bit of spending. We've had a significant increase in pay. We are saving along the way as well. Here's what were buying:
We bought the girls new bikes to the tune of $148. We are looking for some for ourselves as well. More than likely we will buy them new, though I've looked at craigslist to see if there were any there. Not yet!
Easter is coming up and I will have company at my house for Saturday night and Sunday. That means a large food bill. It's actually my first time hosting!! I'm kind of excited about that. They will help out and bring a dish or two for Sunday brunch.
There's's spring break. DH and girls are home, so we are treating ourselves to some local activities, indoor swimming, roller skating, bowling and a movie. We are having such a good time being together, but the activities make it even more fun.
More Spending
March 18th, 2008 at 02:22 pm
March 26th, 2008 at 01:09 am 1206493756