My blog is Some For Now, Some For Later. My goal this year and always is to find the right balance between spending and saving. So while I will tell you about our savings habits, I will also mention some things we spend money on. This is one of those for now.
Background first:
My husband was promoted recently. This means a huge raise!! His first paycheck is tomorrow with funds backdated to February 8. We have doubled our income in 1 1/2 years! How did we do this?
My husband went from working three jobs to working full time for the Army Reserves. It did require us to move and move away from our entire family. While the Army has it's downsides, we felt it was a great opportunity for our family to see new areas of the country and meet new people. He loves the job most of the time...except when bureaucracy gets in the way!
So my point, now with this raise we will be spending some of that new earned money. We have already increased our retirement and education contributions, too! We're saving 20% of our income in one way or another.
Guess what the first luxury item is? It's something most women could care less about, but many men drool over. It's a plasma TV!
It so unlike us to buy something like this. Our current TV is going out. It's getting close to black even with the brightness on high. We also don't get very good reception with our bunny ears. In 2009 everything goes digital anyway. So, because BIL sells electronics, were getting this item at cost, minus a $200 manufacturers rebate. We are paying half of the retail value!!
Some For Now
March 13th, 2008 at 04:14 pm
March 13th, 2008 at 05:08 pm 1205428105
March 13th, 2008 at 07:37 pm 1205437035
March 16th, 2008 at 11:58 pm 1205711928