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More Spending...

July 28th, 2015 at 01:22 am

We are still spending. This time we went to Kohl's and bought some clothes. I needed another pair of shorts for our trip, I bought three because I couldn't decide. However, I will return two after the trip. My husband needed two pairs as did one of my daughter's. My husband also needed a couple shirts. And then since we had a 25% off coupon and a $10 off coupon it seemed the right time to buy a new kitchen pan. My husband has been complaining about ours sticking. He's already used it and very happy!

That trip was not frugal, but we all found things there in one trip so that was really good. But spending $178 is tough! Again, I do plan to return two of the shorts I bought, which we probably be about a $32 credit, bring the bill to under $150. A bit better, but boy things are expensive and thus why we usually get by with less clothing. On vacation we don't want to spend our time washing and drying to get things clean. And we will be in Florida, thus the clothes are going to be filthy after sweating in them all day. No wearing again. Although I actually might try that with one pair of shorts. Wash in the sink and hang to dry. Then I could return all three pairs of shorts!!

Our first water bill arrived today. It was for just 7 days. It included a $20 turn on charge. The actual water with taxes was 7.60. I set the bill to pay next Monday from our checking account and requested future bills to be sent by email.

I'm going to enjoy the trip and plan to pay all the bills when we return this weekend.

8 Responses to “More Spending...”

  1. Buendia Says:

    It's good to buy clothes every so often! Otherwise you're going to end up like me with a closet full of things that have stains, holes, don't fit, look terrible! Keep at least one pair of shorts! Have fun in Florida!!!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    I cringe at those big spends when it happens to me! But sometimes you just need stuff!

  3. SecretarySaving Says:

    On your FL trip it would be neat if you had a pedometer, fitbit or used a smart phone to track your steps daily because you are going to have a lot! Don't forget comfy shoes so your feet don't hurt!

  4. Debt-free by Thir-ty Says:

    I second the comfy shoes!! I reached my 10000 steps easily every down when I was down there. I only ended up wearing one pair of sandals the whole time and by the last day, I was hurting so badly.

    Glad you got everything you needed in one trip!!

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    Oh yes, we definitely have our "Florida only" clothes.

  6. mich Says:

    Enjoy your trip CCF!

  7. SecretarySaving Says:

    And an umbrella! It will rain there in the afternoons for half an hour or so then will stop.

  8. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Sometimes a little spending is necessary. Smile

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