Home > Skyping From Starbucks

Skyping From Starbucks

June 11th, 2010 at 12:49 am

I've been able to have two video phone calls with my husband via Skype. He was calling from Starbucks after having purchased himself a cold Frappuccino! Weird war.

It appears the extra pays are about to start kicking in next week when he gets paid. That's probably the only thing I really like about this deployment. Those extra funds will help us to meet some of the big goals we want to accomplish this year. I will hash out the particulars on payday and see if there really any extra to put towards those goals. It has still be a very expensive month.

How is your June working out so far?

1 Responses to “Skyping From Starbucks”

  1. Homebody Says:

    Still at my sister's, waiting for YD's care to be shipped from SC.....trying to keep up on the blogs!

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