Home > Ebates Payment

Ebates Payment

February 4th, 2015 at 03:22 pm

I received my Big Fat payment from Ebates. That is how they refer to it. I only received $8.40 in my PayPal account, so I wouldn't exactly call it fat. Smile

I promptly requested the money be transferred to our checking account. I will ended up sending it to the credit card we are paying off. It is currently at 0% interest, so no worries.

The specific card we are working on is the Wells Fargo World American Express card. It has a balance of $460.09. I will have this paid off before May, as I believe that is when the assess the annual fee of $175! I am NOT paying that, so I will be canceling this card very soon after. Of course, I also would like to redeem any final points we have accumulated, as well. Smile

I'm in the process of dismantling my dishwasher. We are pretty sure now that the fix is not a simple O ring. Darn. It's probably some sort of pump. Not sure which one yet or what it will cost, but I really would like to fix ourselves, so save the labor. It could still come down to someone coming out, just not ready to admit defeat until I've looked around some more!

Did you get an Ebates payment? What will you do with yours? If you have a Wells Fargo Amex will you be cancelling yours before the annual fee is assessed? And has anyone done any dishwasher repair lately?

2 Responses to “Ebates Payment”

  1. JulieAlbright Says:

    Noooooooo - mine's not there yet. I hope I get it today.

    Great job getting it somewhere productive before it disappears.

  2. michdado Says:

    Hi CCF! I will receive my ebates via check (didn't know paypal was an option). I will cash and put it in our safe for "in case of a small emergency" cash on hand.

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