Home > Holiday Decorations: Want or Need

Holiday Decorations: Want or Need

October 25th, 2013 at 04:13 pm

I've been in a few conversations recently about the need to get some Halloween decorations. This is surprising to me in some ways. Is Halloween decorating a needed expense? Is any holiday spending necessary? Or do you think of them as wants.

I took some pictures of my front entry cabinet (its officially a dry sink). This is where I store non Christmas decorations.

And you will notice that the Halloween decorations do dominate over Easter and Valentines Day. We accumulated a few extra Halloween decorations a few years ago when we hosted a Halloween party for my daughters and their friends. It was fun, but definitely not necessary. I did a good job keeping the costs down and having leftover decorations for future years.

This years Halloween spending should be less than $5 for two small bags of candy. Our neighborhood is small and the number of kids coming down this way was about 10 last year. I expect it to be similar this year. We have not decorated yet, and will likely just put something out on the porch or the door, so it seems like Halloween to the kids coming to the door. I doubt much of the items in storage will even come out this year. My girls are too old to trick or treat, so this holiday is becoming more and more of a non event.

Now I will admit that I found myself pinning Christmas and winter porch decorating ideas. Last year, we had a wreath out with a red bow on a tree shaped chair. I think I may have put a container of dried branches, too. I think I have some things here at home that will I hope to not get sucked in to all the cool ideas on Pinterest.

How much will you spend on Halloween decorations? Candy? How do you look at holiday spending...want or need? Do you feel pressured by our culture or society's expectations to decorate?

In decluttering news, I pulled out my file of papers that need to be filed...I'm in the process of getting like papers together and tossing and shredding what I don't need. Here's a picture of that mess:

4 Responses to “Holiday Decorations: Want or Need”

  1. Bob B. Says:

    Definitely a want. We will spend little if anything on Halloween. Pumpkins were free. No kids stop by our country house. And my SIL bought our kids their costumes for an off shoot of the family picture. Long story. I'll blog about it later.

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    A want. But, I love it, especially Halloweeen, so I buy decorations at estate and yard sales, where they always go for SUPER SUPER cheap!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I will spend $0 on decorations for Halloween, but have spent about $13 on candy for trick or treaters, and cupcakes for our Halloween Festival.

  4. baselle Says:

    A want. Basically my expenses are: $15 for a really interesting bowler hat/fake bloody kitchen knife for a costume. $4 for a small bag of candy in case a couple of kids from the families in the condo unit show up. No home Halloween decorations. We are decorating a room at work but that is coming from available materials and a lot of creativity.

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