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Listing on Ebay Today...One Item Sold!

December 5th, 2011 at 01:11 am

Late this afternoon, I decided to get a few things listed on ebay. I have a fair number of items lying around that should be sold rather than donated.

Right now is a pretty good time of year to get up the gift type items and the holiday clothing.

The first thing I listed was an old iPod. I listed at an auction price and a Buy It Now...I don't think it was listed for more than 10 minutes before it sold!! Maybe I under priced it, but my research said it was a fair price. And I'm happy for the cash it brought.

Four auction items still up and running. They all have a Buy It Now option too. We'll see how it goes this week. Anyone else selling on ebay this holiday season?

Update: I sold another one already. A camera. This is fun!!

3 Responses to “Listing on Ebay Today...One Item Sold!”

  1. Amber Says:

    whooohooo that is awesome! I have my fingers crossed for the others

  2. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    You reminded me I need to list a couple things tonight as well. Off I goSmile

  3. My English Castle Says:

    I'm going to list a few things on Tuesday. I've sold three in recent weeks, but you know you always inspire me.

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