Home > Cool Air

Cool Air

May 10th, 2011 at 06:44 pm

It's over 90 degrees here today. And it's humid. I should know, I just spent two hours outside for my daughter's field trip. Thank goodness for air conditioning. It is now running at our house. I think it was only 3 days ago, that the heat was coming on in the morning.

Have you turned on your air conditioning yet?

7 Responses to “Cool Air”

  1. Miz Pat Says:

    I had he air on Friday when it hit 100 degrees and my swamp cooler wouldn't work, but its off now.

  2. laura Says:

    We're trying to brave the elements. It is presently 82 in the house and all the ceiling fans are on!

  3. North Georgia Gal Says:

    we have the air on. It was just last weekend when we had to have the heat on because it got down to 62 in the house!

  4. Petunia in an OP Says:

    We have no AC, and also have been having one of the coldest springs on record. Plants that normally are done blooming before the end of April haven't started yet. Ready for AC? I wish. Smile

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    Nope....we have had a very cool, wet, and rainy Spring with a nice day here and there. Hopefully soon!

  6. Looking Forward Says:

    We had it on about two weeks ago?? Then off again and had to put the heat on. Right now it's perfect out - no heat or AC needed! Big Grin

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    We don't have an AC in this house, but this is the first day we've had the windows open all day. It's a gorgeous day, but it will still get cold enough tonight for the heat to be on.

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