Home > Decluttering Today

Decluttering Today

December 29th, 2009 at 09:53 pm

I went roller skating with the girls today. And I actually fell down once! The palms of my hands hurt. We were able to skate and rent skates for $4.50 per person and skated for nearly three hours.

The rest of the day will consist of organizing. The basement has become a bit of a catchall recently. I'm going to set some clear piles for donation, ebay and garage sales. The donation pile will end up at Goodwill tomorrow! I'm also going to take down a few of the holiday decorations. The tree will stay up until Friday.

Enjoy your last few days of the year!

1 Responses to “Decluttering Today”

  1. Personal Finance Student Says:

    I'm doing the same. Purging the old toys to make room for the new and putting up Christmas decorations today. Feels good. Good luck with it all!

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