Home > Christmas Brings Cash

Christmas Brings Cash

December 29th, 2009 at 12:52 am

Among the numerous gifts we received this Christmas, we received cash or cash equivalents.

$30 Cash
$20 Barnes and Noble
$25 JC Penney
$50 Scheels

We feel very blessed.

4 Responses to “Christmas Brings Cash”

  1. NJDeb Says:

    I feel blessed too!

    $25 Walmart
    $25 Target
    $20 Dunkin Donuts
    $10 blockbuster

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    That JC Penney card should come in handy if you need new clothes or anything. We went to our local JC Penney today to buy dh a new bath robe because his old one was falling apart at the seams. They had a very nice men's robe, originally priced at $84.00, for an astounding $31.99 plus tax. Wow. That's over 60% off! I noticed that a lot of other things were at least 60% off, too, but we got out of there quickly before the spendy side of me decided to buy shinies.

  3. jacquelynrose Says:

    I love Gift Cards! Awesome! Smile

  4. M E 2 Says:

    I too am feeling blessed:

    Christmas (work) bonus : Nothing extravagant but better than nothing (which I know is what many get from their employers) Although it was added to my/our last paycheck of the year and was taxed at about 30% @@

    Gift Cards :

    $50 Visa
    $25 Visa
    $25 Barnes & Noble
    $20 Borders
    $10 AMC (Movie Theater)

    Plus I had two $50 visa cards via rebates come "in" for two purchases I had made. One was a need the other was a want. Both were paid for in cash.

    The only thing that I do not like about said visa cards via rebates is that one expires in 6 months and the other starts deducting a fee after 3 months. Grrrrrrr :-( I had hoped/planned to save the cards, just in case.

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