Home > Sparkling


September 21st, 2009 at 04:52 pm

Yesterday, was a no spend day for me. I'm hoping for a couple more this week, too.

I spent a good portion of my day deep cleaning the kitchen. There is still more to be done, but it is starting to shine! Here's what I cleaned:

Sliding glass doors
Kitchen sink blinds
Two lazy susans
Outside of dishwasher
Outside of stove
Outside of refrigerator
Under the refrigerator
Kitchen sink
Swept kitchen floor

I still need to clean inside and outside of the kitchen cabinets and deep clean the kitchen floor. I'm dreading the outside of the cabinets the most. They are painted white. As you can imagine, they are NOT dirty hand friendly! The cabinets were painted when we bought the home. They were the one thing we didn't like about the house. Guess what, I still don't like them!

I might play sparkle fairy some more today. Or not. Either way, I'm not spending money!!

3 Responses to “Sparkling”

  1. mrs. Says:

    My cabinets, too, are a challenge waiting to be conquered. I'd love to get new hardware (but I need 40 handles and the ones I found that I like are $5 each) but no sense in sprucing up something which is gross.

    And I have to laugh about your kitchen cabinets and *still* not liking them. Here at the house of Mr. and Mrs. it is our carpeting - our beige carpeting which was fine five years ago. But five kids and two dogs can really "pig" things. I wanted new carpeting before last year's party. Well, guess what? We've just had the same annual party and I'm still hating my carpet, and it is just another year grosser!

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    Good job!

    hahaha!! I still hate my cabinets too! Just discussed last week w/cousin who's a professional painter how to make them 'all better' w/o replacing them. My carpet has issues too! I love the berber look, but gee those berber pulls & runs? A real kill-joy!

  3. homebody Says:

    Um okay I may be the winner of ugly cabinets here....original ugly plain cabinets. White sounds wonderful to me...

    I will post a picture in my blog.

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