Home > When to file? Where's my refund?

When to file? Where's my refund?

February 4th, 2009 at 06:45 pm

So, you KNOW you will need to file your taxes and you THINK you might get a refund to pay off that credit card, medical bill. It would be nice to get it to them before the next billing cycle, right?

If you check out the link

Text is here and Link is
here you can see when your refund will be deposited in your account or when that check might be mailed. This information is based on when your tax return is accepted by the IRS. Before your return is accepted you have to file your taxes.

It's February, you should have just about everything you need. If not, check online with your bank, mortgage company or brokerage firm to see if your tax form is available there. Wouldn't it be great if everyone of us could be done by the end of this short month. Really, why would you want to do your taxes on a warm spring evening, when you could be outside?

Good luck, everyone!

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