Home > Accomplishments - Day 3

Accomplishments - Day 3

January 7th, 2009 at 08:30 pm

Today I completed two more things on my list. I worked out at the gym and cleaned out the kitchen cupboards.

[x] Workout everyday at the gym (M-F)
[x] Clean out kitchen cupboards
[x] Clean microwave
[x] Clean kitchen blinds
[x] Clean bathrooms
[x] Whiten dishtowels and washcloths
[x] Write thank you notes
[x] Weed out magazines
[ ] Paint laundry room (?)

At the gym, I burned an even 500 calories on the elliptical and the stationary bike. I lifted weights and left plenty of sweat in the sauna.

The only thing left on the list is painting. I don't think it is going to get done this week. It turns out, I just don't feel motivated. Maybe tomorrow will be better, but I think for now the list is accomplished. Turns out I should have put a few more things on the list, huh?

I did pick up a few necessities at the grocery store. Spent $20.02. My grocery store is SuperTarget. I didn't go looking around for sales or deals. I just picked up what was on my list. I feel I'm doing pretty good so far in the not spending on after Christmas markdowns.

I joined Steve's Ebay challenge. I hope to average $100/mo from sales. I was close to this average last year if I remember right. Time to find some things to sell!!

2 Responses to “Accomplishments - Day 3”

  1. Amber Says:

    Wow you were really on the ball today. Good luck with the ebay challenge.

  2. Blue Eyes Says:

    It seems like you are getting a lot accomplished! Good for you!

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