Home > Accomplishments


January 5th, 2009 at 08:13 pm

I checked off what I accomplished from the list. I also unloaded dishwasher, handwashed breakfast dishes, and sewed a patch on DD2's girl scout vest. Yes, I did put the sewing machine back!!

[x] Workout everyday at the gym (M-F)
[ ] Clean out kitchen cupboards
[x] Clean microwave
[x] Clean kitchen blinds
[ ] Clean bathrooms
[ ] Whiten dishtowels and washcloths
[x] Write thank you notes
[ ] Weed out magazines
[ ] Paint laundry room (?)

I burned 505 calories on the elliptical and another 100 on the rowing machine. I also lifted weights and sat in the sauna. Good workout day!

Now, I have to venture to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. I don't expect to buy anything else. I will use gift card for part of precription payment if I can.

2 Responses to “Accomplishments”

  1. Ms. Pearl Says:

    That is much more than I have done today which is nothing but sit on the couch. I am sick! Good job with the exercise, I am jealous.

  2. Koppur Says:

    I'm with Ms. Pearl on the couch, so kudos for the great job done!

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