Home > Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

November 9th, 2008 at 09:29 pm

DH is out of town this week. This means I tend to make simple meals for the girls and I. I went looking in the cupboards to come up with some meals for the week. This is what we are having for dinner:

Sunday - BBQ Chicken & Broccoli
Monday - Cheese Pizza, carrots & apples
Tuesday - canned soup, cresent rolls
Wednesday- Spaghetti & Frozen veggies
Thursday - Microwaveable meals
Friday - Bean tacos
Saturday - Eggs or Pancakes, applesauce

Obviously, I splurged on the microwaveable meals. I spent $5.37 on these alone. The total grocery bill was $44.99. I did have quite a few things on hand, particularly for the dinners. The rest was two boxes of cereal for breakfast, and items to fill the girls lunches for the week. Of course, there are some snacks in there.

Last night, I bought DD an outfit and shoes. Total at Kohl's was $69.74. I'm not thrilled with that price at all. She is happy and the shoes should last her quite awhile. She also found some items that no longer I will get those up on ebay soon, to help offset the cost.

I still have $60.10 until Friday's payday. I hope to have most of that left to put towards the Christmas fund.

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