Home > $200 Left

$200 Left

November 8th, 2008 at 03:43 pm

Payday will be this coming Friday. We have $200 left in our checking account that is within our budget.

Things we need to buy:
Dress shoes for DD1 (band concert Tues)
Pants for DD1 (if we can find a deal)
Groceries for 5 days

I think we will be okay. It will get a little tight at the end. DH will be out of town next week, so the grocery budget can be a little slimmer!! I'd love to end the week with some left over so that I can add it to my Christmas cash.

2 Responses to “$200 Left ”

  1. Koppur Says:

    Can your DD1 borrow a pair of shoes from a friend for the night? Good luck!

  2. Ms. Pearl Says:

    You sound a lot like me! My husband travels and the weeks he is gone we seem to spend a lot less on food. I don't have a lot of cash left until next Friday either but I am going to try my hardest not to dip into my small savings or smaller checking. Good luck! BTW, I have two daughters too that are 14 and 12. I find lately that I have been spending a lot on them. Mostly for their entertainment but on needs too.

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