Home > A 12 Vote Win

A 12 Vote Win

November 4th, 2008 at 09:44 pm

Just felt like sharing this little tidbit.

My oldest daughter's school voted for President today in a mock election. My daughter was a poll worker for one half hour, too.

The result...Obama beat McCain by 12 votes. Talk about close!!

7 Responses to “A 12 Vote Win”

  1. Maismom Says:

    My DD's high school also had a mock election and Obama won, too. And it was very close.

    It kind of surprised me because there are more Republicans in my neighborhood.

  2. swimgirl Says:

    My kids school had a mock election, too. Obama beat McCain 158 to 19.

  3. my english castle Says:

    In DD's school, the Janitor running for president beat a duck by 27 votes.

  4. monkeymama Says:


    Maismom - Obama won at our school with like 75% votes. I Was shocked too - our neighborhood is SO Republican. Well, the people I know. LOL.

    Swimgirl - didn't you say you were from Davis? The voting shows it - hehe.

  5. nance Says:

    A kindergarten student in my family said the kids were talking about the election with other four and five year olds and a little girl said she was "voting" for Obama. Our little guy said, "Well, I'm a Republican, and I'm voting for McCain!" I don't think most of us had a clue who was running when we were that age.

  6. monkeymama Says:

    Nance - Cute.

    BM (5) told us he voted for Obama. No doubt because it's all his grandma can talk about (she is VERY pro Obama and volunteered for his campaign).

    I think the adults are talking about this election more than others, and the kids are picking up on it.

  7. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I didn't hear about a mock election at my DS's school. Then again, we live in a congressional district where the incumbent regularly enjoys 85% of the vote, so no nailbiting anticipation here.

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